

Welcome to Sprockets! Port Macquarie
A multi sport and exercise program for children.

Sprockets! is Port Macquarie’s only multi sport and exercise program for young children.
We promote healthy life choices, increase confidence, capabilities and communication skills in a safe and supportive setting. 

At Sprockets! we teach your child 7 different sport portfolios:

Active Activities Top 25 2016Active Activities Top 25 2017


Soccer                            Footy
T-Ball                            Hockey                        
Tennis                           Cricket

We also explicitly instruct children in the correct execution of the 12 fundamental movement skills necessary to successfully participate in games - running, leaping, galloping, side sliding, hopping, underarm throw, overarm throw, catching a ball, bouncing a ball, kicking a ball and striking a ball.
Not only do we teach skills...we have so much fun!

In addition to their physical development, your child will have an opportunity to interact and bond with other children in our small group sessions. They will be explicitly taught essential skills for their school years such as speaking, listening, taking turns and responding.

We would love your child to join us at Sprockets! to begin their sporting journey.

VISIT THEIR WEBSITE: sprocketsportmacquarie.com.au